YEAR 1986

*Complete article/s may be viewed at AYUSH Research Portal Click here

Title of Article
Author Name
Page No.
Volume-7 No-1,2
Clinical evaluation of certain Herbal preparation in the Treatment of Chronic Slipada – Elephantiasis
Prem Koshore, M.K. Chaturvedi
1 to 12
A clinical trial of Palash (Butea monosperma) (Lam.) Kuntze Sy. B. frondosa Koen. ex. Roxb in worm infestations (Krimi Roga)
J.P. Jain, S.M.A. Naqvi
13 to 22
A clinical study on Annabedi Chenduram in Pandu based on Siddha concept
D.C. Jayakaran, E. Meenakshinathan, K. Gopakumar
23 to 32
Pharmacological studies on Lodhrasava
B.Ravishankar, Mrs. C.K. Sasikala
33 to 46
Pharmacological studies on fruit pulp of Balanites roxburghii Planch
T. Shrihari Rao, S. Kumar, J.N. Sharma, S.K. Gupta
47 to 61
Pharmacology of Vitex negundo Linn. (Nirgundi) Root
B.Ravishankar, R. Bhaskaran Nair, C.K. Sasikala
62 to 77
Antacid Potency in Vitro and cost-effectiveness of certain Ayurvedic Preparations.
K.P. Singh, R.H. Singh
78 to 86
A preliminary study of the Antifertility effect of some Ayurvedic Drugs
C.K. Andhiwal, R.P. Varshney, Chandra Has
87 to 90
Volume-7 No-3,4
Clinical trial on Satavari (Asparagus racemosus Wild.) in Duodenal Ulcer Disease
K.P. Singh, R.H. singh
91 to 100
Clinical Assessment of the effect of Ayush – 64 in the acute Cases of Slipada (Filariasis)
Prem Kishore, M.K. Chaturvedi
101 to 109
Evaluation of the effect of Ayurvedic Drug (Internal and External) in the treatment of Slipada (Filariasis) – A Pilot Study
T. Seshagiri Rao, C. Raja Rajeswara Sarma, K. Kusuma Kumari, T. Bikshapathi
110 to 114
Standardisation studies on Yogaraja Guggulu
Muzaffer Alam, K.K.S. Dasan, Meenakshi Natarajan, K.K. Purushothaman
115 to 120
Pharmacological Evaluation of Compund Ayurvedic preparation – Vilwadi Gutika
B.Ravishankar, Mrs. C.K. Sasikala
121 to 135
Evaluation of Compound Ayurvedic Preparation for Anti-pyretic, Analgesic and Anti-inflammatory effect
B.Ravishankar, B.N. Sridhar, D. Vijaykumar
136 to 145
α – Spinasterol from the Stem Bark of Symplocos spicata Roxb. and its Preliminary Pharmacological study
N.K.R. Pathak, Momota Biswas, P. Negi, M.H. Frotan, S.B. Acharya
146 to 149
Action of Plumbagin an Erythrocytes – an In Vitro Study
R. Hamsaveni Gopal, K.K. Purushothaman
150 to 157
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158 to 170