Varsha Kala Charya

Monsoon (Rainy Season Regimen) in India usually lasts from June to September. It is a boon and relief to the extreme heat of summer, but the Monsoon season invites certain ailments also. Cold, cough, fever, fungal infections; joint pain etc will be likely to happen unless adequate care is done.


The regimen which should be followed?                                                                

During Rainy season Tridosas (Vata, Pitta & Kapha) in the body get vitiated. The strength the body will be lowest in Varsha Ritu as compared to other seasons long with weak digestion. One should adopt simple living and use those items which stimulate digestion. Rainwater and well water is recommended for drinking after boiling. For protection from dirty water, one should not walk about without footwear and should wear clothes which had been exposed to medicated smoke. Panchakarma therapy is advised during this season, out of which Asthapana Basti (non- unctuous medicated enema)  should be administered.

Old grains, meat soup processed with oil/ghee Shunthi (dried ginger) etc., meat of wild animals, soup of pulses, grape wines, etc. should be consumed. Curds, hot substances, animal fat, wheat, rice, black gram, well water and rainy water are the most desirable things one can have. Food predominant with Amla (sour), Lavana (salt) and Sneha (unctuous substances) should be taken on those cloudy days and extremely bad weather. In Varsha Ritu one should wear white colored cloth which is auspicious and protects from sunrays as the white is neither hot nor cold. The Pralepa (medicated paste for external application over skin) prepared from Chandana (sandal wood) and Kesar (saffron) is good in rainy season.


The regimen which should not be followed?

River water, puffed rice powder in water, day sleep, exposure to the eastern wind, rain, snow, eating dry food, over work, exertion and exposure to the sun should be avoided.

Dr. G. Babu
