YEAR 2007

*Complete article/s may be viewed at AYUSH Research Portal Click here

Title of Article
Author Name
Page No.
Volume-28 No-1,2
Effect of Plyherbal Oil – A Siddha Preparation in the Treatment of Dandruff
J.R. Krishnamoorthy, S. Ranganathan
1 to 8
Role of an Ayurvedic formulation in the patients of Raktagata Vata with special Reference to mild to moderate essential Hypertension
Y.K. Sharma, D.K. Verma, Babita Yadav
9 to 14
Role of Vasa Swarasa & Vachadi Lepa on Acceleratio of Prasava (Labour)
Sarada Ota, Induben Mistry
15 to 25
Clinical Study on Standardization of Sodhanartha Abhyantara Snehana
Vasan C. Patil, M.S. Baghel, A.B. Thakar
26 to 36
The concept of Rasayana as an Adjuvant Therapy in them management of Rajayakshama vis-a-via Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Ashwini Bana, B.K. Sevatkar, B.N. Upadhyay
37 to 48
Clinical evaluation of Panchakola churna Prakshepa patrapinda sweda in the management of Amavata (Rheumatoid Arthritis)
G. Venkateshwarlu, Kiran V. Kale, T. Maheswar, S.N. Murthy
49 to 60
Clinical evaluation of Arogyavardhini vati, Kaishore Guggulu and Chakramardakera Taila in the Management of Kitibh (Psoriasis)
O.P. Singh, M.M. Padhi, B. Das, V.C. Deep, J. Hazra, M.M. Alam, N.S. Tewari, M.M. Rao
61 to 71
Concept of Agni and Ojas in Rajayakshama vis-à-vis Pulmonary Tuberculosis
B.K. Sevatkar, Ashwini Bana, B.N. Upadhyay
72 to 82
Volume-28 No-3
Role of Selected classical Ayurvedic Formulations in Menorrhagia (Asrigdara): A clinical observation
K. Sandya Rani, V.L.N. Sastry
1 to 12
A Preliminary Study on Modified Rakta Mokshana Technology using Breast Pump in place of Shringa w.s.r. to Dry Eczema
V.A. Prabhakarna, G. Venkateshwarlu, T. Maheswar, K.V. Kale
13 to 16
Clinical effect of Shatavari Yoga in management of Hyperacidity
Bharti, Praveen Bansal, T. Bikshapathi
17 to 23
Clinical observation of Nimba (Azadirachta Indica A. Juss.) and Sirisha (Albizia Lebbeck Benth.) in simple epidemic viral conjunctivitis
N. Srikanth, Mridula Dua, Praveen Bansal, T. Bikshapathi
24 to 40
An Obsevational study to see the efficacy of Ayurvedic formulation Ayush Face Pack – A skin lightning agent on Vyanga (melasma)
Sulochanan Bhatt, G.S. Lavekar, B.P. Dhar, Sandhya Rani, Praveen Bansal
41 to 45
Current Approach for research in Ayurveda 
Mahadeo Prasad
46 to 53
Volume-28 No-4
Geriatric Health Care – A Historical Perspective
Ala Narayana, Thrigulla Saketh Ram, Varanasi Subhose
1 to 19
Geriatric Health Care: An integrated approach
M.E. Yeolekar
20 to 28
Geriatric problem and its management possible role of NGOs
Pratip K. Debnath
29 to 41
Physical and Mental Changes in Old Age and Its management according to Ayurved
C.P. Shukla, Nishant Shukla
42 to 47
Role of Non Gevernmental Social Service Organisations in Strengthening the Geriatric Health Care Services
Anupama Datta
48 to 57
Review of Theories of Aging in the context of Rasayana Therapy
S.S. Savrikar
58 to 74
Geriatirc Challenges and Herbals
Shanta Mehrotra, S.K. Ojha
75 to 86
Strength of Ayurveda in Geriatric Care
R.H. Singh
87 to 98
Siddha Kayakalpa Drugs A modulation Therapy in Alzheimer's – A Tranparency and Perspective Eye Views
K. Ganapathiraman, P. Sathya Rajeswaran, S. Selvarajan, M.M. Padhi, G.S. Lavekar
99 to 108
Fatality of Raktagata Vata (Hypertension) in old age and its Ayurvedic Management
Loknath Sharma
109 to 122
Physical Changes in Old Age
S.C. Mahapatra , Shraddha Mahapatra
123 to 129
Ayurveda Research Issues in Ageing
G.S. Lavekar
130 to 134