Ayurvedic management of gynecological disorders through simple remedies

Women’s health is of prime importance to have a healthy society. In Ayurveda, gynecological disorders have been described under the umbrella of Yonivyapad. Menstrual disorders ranging from amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea and menorrhagia can be successfully treated by understanding the underlying causative factors. In this context, simple herbal formulations given in the classical texts of Ayurveda are of potential therapeutic value which is quite often undervalued. Jeeraka (Cuminum cyminum L.) is said to be Garbhashaya shuddhikara and its potential in managing dysmenorrhea is not well known. Hot decoction of Jeeraka in the dose of 15ml three to four times per day relieves menstrual cramps among teenagers. Its decoction is useful in regulating contractions as well as in reducing false pains during pregnancy. Similarly, the management of anarthava (amenorrhea) with tila (sesame seeds) along with jaggery as well as Kulattha kashaya (decoction of horse gram 10ml twice daily) is also very effective. However, some of the common causative factors of amenorrhea like hypothyroidism, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) have to be ruled out. Starting with menarche upto menopause Ayurveda offers solutions for successful management. There is a well planned antenatal regimen described in Ayurveda for the management of   pregnancy related ailments. Menopausal syndrome can also be managed by relieving symptoms without the use of hormones. Rasayana (rejuvenative) drugs can be administered to manage ailments during menopause. Amalaki (Phyllanthus emblica L.) can be administered as a vayasthapaka (anti-ageing) drug. Interestingly, Amalakyadi rasayana therapy has demonstrated the significant reduction of the extent of DNA damage in the cells. Similarly, administration of Ashoka (Saraca asoca (Roxb.) Willd.) imparts estrogenic effects and reduces hot flushes. Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera (L.) Dunal.) is chondro-protective and anti-arthritic, regular intakes imparts strength, reduces stress and acts as Rasayana. Thus, many of the gynaecological ailments can be effectively managed by simple remedies mentioned in Ayurveda.


*Note: Any remedy should be taken after consultation from Ayurveda Physician. 

Dr. Shubhashree M.N.
