The importance of compatible food is well explained in Ayurveda. Compatible food is essential for maintaining mental and physical health. It can be called as the supreme medicine which cures all the diseases.

Every living being depends on food to keep themselves alive. If the regime of compatible food is followed, the digestive fire and thus the digestion will become optimum. It is advised to use those food items and regimen which are having opposite qualities to the habitat and disease of the individual. There are some food items which can be used regularly and which are prohibited for regular use.

The following food items can be used regularly to promote good health & prevent diseases:-

  • Shali (a variety of rice)
  • Shashtika (a variety of rice)
  • Mudga(Green gram)
  • Saindhav (Rock salt)
  • Amalaki (Indian gooseberry)
  • Dugdha (Milk)
  • Ghrita (Ghee)
  • Madhu (Honey)

Even if rock salt is for regular use, it is intended to be used in preparation of food articles and should not be used in excess quantity.

The following food items are prohibited for regular use as they are either difficult to digest or unwholesome:-

  • Shushka Shaka (Dry vegetables)
  • Bis (Lotus rhizomes and stalk)
  • Boiled buttermilk
  • Inspissated Milk
  • Dadhi (Curd)
  • Masha (Black gram)
  • Pippali (Long Pepper)
  • Salt
  • Kshara (Alkali)

The main aim of Ayurveda is the maintenance of good health and prevention of disease attacks. Wholesome food is very essential for maintaining good health and for prevention of diseases.

The food items mentioned above for regular use are promotive of good health and help in preventing diseases.



Dr. K. Mithun Mohan

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